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SKU:  AC532


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Brand Dr Hos
SKU:  AC532


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About Neck Comforter- Why Neck Traction is Important?
About Neck Comforter- Why Neck Traction is Important? Read Less


Brand Dr Hos
SKU:  AC532


Product Description


About Neck Comforter- Why Neck Traction is Important?

The average head weighs 10 to 12 lbs, and the neck and shoulder muscles work very hard to hold the head up. This repetitive use of the muscles along with daily work, physical stress, improper sleeping habits, poor posture, previous neck injuries and emotional stress can all cause neck muscles to tighten with time. The tight muscles cause pain and restriction in movement. 

With aging, the spinal discs can become weak and will bulge with pressure from the weight of the head and from tight neck muscles squeezing the vertebrae and disc together. Tight neck muscles and bulging disc(s) can exert pressure on nerves and blood vessels to constrict circulation between the head, neck and arms. This can cause headaches, weakness, pain, numbness and cold sensation anywhere in the arm. 

Neck traction can stretch and relax the neck and shoulder muscles while improving the spinal posture. The stretching can decompress the spinal disc which may minimize bulging and ease the constriction on nerve and blood circulation. Neck traction can also take pressure off the painful and stiff joints to relieve pain and improve mobility.


Treatable Conditions

  • Tension and stiffness in neck and shoulders
  • Sore neck and shoulders
  • Headaches from neck tension
  • Stiff neck
  • Compressed Disc (shown on x-rays)
  • Numbness, weakness, cold sensation in the arms and /or hands
  • Pinched Nerves in the neck causing pain
  • Bad Posture from work, aging, injuries, bad habits
  • Stress causing neck and shoulder tension
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Repetitive injuries in the upper limb


Please scroll down to read Additional Information on how DR-HO’S® Neck Comforter® can assist in relieving pain and tension related to the other conditions 


How Dr. Ho’s Neck Comforter works?


Modern day lifestyles are more stressful and busy than ever. We work longer hours and constantly have more demands placed upon us. As a result more people seem to be suffering from headaches, neck and shoulder pain and upper limb problems caused by poor posture, physical stress, computer work, driving long distances, sitting for long periods of time, poor sleeping habits, and emotional stress. It is no surprise that these are the four most common conditions that Dr. Ho has treated during his nineteen years of practice as a chiropractor and acupuncturist. That is why he developed the Neck ComforterTM.

1.    Pump Bulb

2.    Slow Air Release Valve

3.    Main Air Lock Bead Valve

4.    Air Lock Bead Valve For Top Ring Only

5.    T-junction

6.    Velcro Strap



DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM is an inflatable neck traction device that inflates with air using a high efficiency hand pump. When it is partially inflated, DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM functions like a neck support. When DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM is fully inflated, it supports the weight of the head to help reduce stress on the neck and shoulders. Further inflation elongates and gently stretches the neck and shoulder muscles while supporting good posture. This further reduces stress on the neck and shoulder muscles. Many health professionals have observed that cervical neck traction allows tight neck muscles to relax, and helps decompress spinal discs and joints. The pressure is adjustable so you can set the stretching to your comfort level. There are no batteries, chemicals or harmful side effects. It’s portable, safe and easy to use. 



1.    Quick Acting

Neck traction has been clinically observed worldwide to relieve pain and tension in the neck, shoulders and arms. Stretching of the neck and shoulders also helps improve your neck movement and allows better posture. Most people obtain results after the first 20 minute treatment with DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM.


2.    Powerful

Don’t judge DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM by the way it looks. It is powerful and effective, and works on the same principles as many professional traction devices. It harnesses the power of air to provide you with consistent and reliable traction for your neck and shoulders.


3.    Painless

With DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM yyou are in control of how much traction and stretching you require and to your personal comfort level. If you feel you have too much traction, simply turn the Slow Air Release Valve counter clockwise to deflate the Neck ComforterTM.


4.    Use as often as you like

Always start using DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTMwith a gentle stretch. As your neck and shoulders begin to relax, increase the stretch to your personal comfort level. Most people obtain results after the first 20 minute treatment with the DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM. For chronic or severe conditions, use DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM 3 to 6 times per day, 20 to 30 minutes each time for faster and better relief. There are no chemicals or drugs involved; it is safe for long-term use even if you are on medication.


5.    Simple to Use

With DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM, it is extremely easy to relieve your muscle tension and pain. First place the Neck ComforterTMaround your neck, with the hand pump on the left side of your body, and then fasten the adjustable Velcro® straps. Second, make sure the Slow Air Release Valve (located directly above the pump) is firmly closed by turning it clockwise, then use the pump to inflate the Neck ComforterTM. Finally, once you have reached your desired amount of inflation, squeeze the Air Lock Bead (directly above the Slow Air Release Valve) into the air passage and push it up so that the air will not instantly exit the Neck ComforterTM.


6.    Portable

DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM can be fully deflated and folded to place into any carry-on luggage. You can take the Neck ComforterTMwith you to work, travel and play.


7.    Always Available

DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM is always there when you need it, twenty-four hours a day, every day. Use it as often as you need it. If you are currently under the care of a health professional for your muscle tension and pains, use the Neck ComforterTM in between visits to keep you feeling well. Neck traction is commonly used by health professionals including chiropractors, massage therapists, medical doctors, physiotherapists, acupuncturists, kinesiologists and sports trainers. Now you can help stretch and relax your neck and shoulder muscles in the comfort of your own home, with DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM.


8.    Affordable

Just think of the savings in time and money, and the assurance of having DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM available to give you a gentle stretch to relieve your muscle tension and pain anytime you want. You can use DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM anywhere and for as long as you want. It will be there, ready for your needs 24 hours a day, in the middle of the night, and on weekends. DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM will be there for you when no one else is available. It works out to just pennies a day and your family can have unlimited relief.


9.    Contraindication

DR-HO'S® Neck ComforterTM is safe to use even if you are on medication. You can use it as often as you like and for as long as you like. There are a few groups of individuals that should not be using DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM or any other neck traction device. The Neck ComforterTM should not be used by anyone after neck surgery, anyone with a fracture, known malignancy, severe rheumatoid arthritis and other serious pathology in the spine. Anyone with health concerns should consult their health physician before using DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM. If at any time you feel any discomfort or pain while using DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM, stop usage and consult with your doctor before resuming usage. 



Additional Information on how DR-HO’S® Neck Comforter® can assist in relieving pain and tension related to the following conditions:

- Headache

Tension headaches are often caused by tension in your neck and shoulders that hinders circulation of the nerves in those areas. DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM helps to gently stretch your neck and shoulders, and supports the weight of the head to help relieve stress on your neck and shoulders. Reduced stress can help alleviate the tension and pressure placed on your nerves. The ease of pressure on nerves and relaxed muscles can provide comfort and the relief of pain and heaviness in the head and neck area. 

Additional Information on Nerve Pain & Numbness
Nerves that are irritated or pinched can become numb, tingling with pain that radiates along the nerve branches. Nerves are commonly irritated by tight muscles along the spine. Pinched nerves in the neck can cause headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain and radiating pain down the arm into the hand. Nerves can also lose its conductivity due to pressure from a herniated disc, diabetes, stroke, multiple sclerosis, etc. In order to get relief, you need treatments that will relax the tight muscles and stimulate the nerve circulation.

Additional Information on Poor Circulation
Blood flows through arteries and veins. The rate of flow will depend on the diameter of the blood vessel, the blood pressure, and pressure exerted from outside the blood vessel wall. Tight muscles around the blood vessel can restrict blood flow. Poor circulation in an area will cause accumulation of noxious chemicals in the muscles, creating more tension and pain. To get relief, you need to relax the muscles and promote blood circulation.


-Back Pain

It is estimated that nearly 8 out of 10 people are affected by back pain. One of the most common reasons for back pain is due to poor posture. This can be attributed to poor working conditions, working style or just poor ergonomics when performing simple tasks such as vacuuming or any household chores for that matter. We naturally try to do things the easier way, but this is not always the correct way. As a result we put added pressure on our back, which causes our discomfort and pain. DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM will help you to improve your posture and stretch your neck and shoulder muscles, which will help to reduce back pain.


- Repetitive Strain Injury

Repetitive strain injuries can affect your muscles, tendons, and nerves. It is quite common to experience this in the upper back and arms and usually occurs due to overuse of these areas that keep the muscles tense. This type of injury is also often a result of poor ergonomics and posture, stress and repetitive motions. 

One of the most common types of repetitive strain injuries is caused by frequent use of the computer, and results in strain, pain and discomfort in the wrists and forearms. Many people, however, don’t realize that this strain starts from your neck and radiates down the arm towards the wrist. It is also often a result of poor posture. DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM helps relieve this pain by stretching and straightening your neck while improving your posture. This helps decrease the pressure on the nerves in the neck and helps increase blood circulation to the upper limbs. Improved blood circulation helps relieve the pain radiating down the arm to the wrists and allows your body to recover at a quicker pace.

Additional Information on Muscle Aches & Pain 
Muscles that are tight from overuse and repetitive strain is the most common cause of aches and pains. Muscles that are contracted will release noxious chemicals that irritate the surrounding tissues to cause a tense burning pain sensation. Tight muscles can become chronically tense and painful without proper treatment to release the tension.

Additional Information on Nerve Pain & Numbness
Nerves that are irritated or pinched can become numb and radiate with pain along the nerve branches. Nerves are commonly irritated by tight muscles along the spine. Pinched nerves in the neck can cause headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain and radiating pain down the arm into the hand. Nerves can also lose its’ conductivity due to pressure from a herniated disc, diabetes, stroke, multiple sclerosis, etc. In order to get relief, you need treatments that help relax the tight muscles and stimulate nerve circulation. 

Additional Information on Joint Stiffness & Pain
Joints can become stiff from injuries and arthritis. More commonly, stiff and painful joints are the result of tight muscles and the lack of regular movement. Tight muscles prevent a joint from moving in its full range of motion. The loss of motion prevents the joint from being properly lubricated and nourished. A joint that does not move properly will degenerate rapidly. Even a young person can develop degenerative joint disease or osteoarthritis from long periods of inactivity. Tight muscles can restrict full range of motion and cause joint pain and degeneration. To get relief for joint pain and stiffness, you need to relax the muscles and restore normal joint motion.

Additional Information on Poor Circulation
Blood flows through arteries and veins. The rate of flow will depend on the diameter of the blood vessel, the blood pressure, and pressure exerted from outside the blood vessel wall. Tight muscles around the blood vessel can restrict blood flow. Poor circulation in an area will cause accumulation of noxious chemicals in the muscles, creating more tension and pain. To get relief, you need to relax the muscles and promote blood circulation.


-Neck Pain

Our necks are vulnerable to disorders that not only cause pain, but reduce range of motion as well. Neck pain is usually a result of poor posture, repetitive strain injuries, stress and tension or even more serious disorders such as arthritis or herniated/bulging discs. Even sleeping in an awkward position can cause us undue pain.

To help yourself from experiencing less pain, become aware of your posture and make sure your back is straight; no slouching while sitting or hunched over while standing. If you operate computers on a daily basis make sure that your keyboard and chair has an ergonomic fit for your body and when typing don’t rest your wrists; make sure your wrists are straight. 

DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM will help you to improve your posture and also help to alleviate your pain by gently lifting the weight of your head off of your neck and shoulders.


- Stress and Tension

Stress is our body’s reaction to physical, social, emotional or mental anguish. It causes ones body to tense up to a point where your neck and shoulders become tight or even sore. Frequent and recurring stress and/or tension in the neck and shoulder may also lead to insomnia. Unfortunately we all get stress and tension, but what will help you is in the way you manage your stress. There is no steadfast way to reduce stress everyone will have their own ways, however, DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM will help you to reduce the tension that stress has on your body which in turn will help you to relax.

Information on Stress & Tension Related Insomnia
Sleep is crucial for feelings of well being, alertness and body repair. Emotional stress and physical pain can prevent your mind from relaxing and drifting off into a deep sleep. If pain and muscle tension are keeping you up at night, daily stretching of your neck and shoulder muscles will provide the soothing solution you need. Tension in the neck and shoulders can irritate the nerves to cause insomnia directly. Pain and muscle tension in other body areas may also cause an increase in sensory nerve activities, which may also cause you to stay awake.


-Poor Posture

Poor posture can result from a chronic condition, pain, poor ergonomics, or even pure laziness on our part. We have become so complacent today that we are no longer concerned about our posture. This is especially so for most of us who work on a computer the entire day. Our shoulders become tired and we tend to hunch over to rest them, but as we do this on a daily basis the body gets used to the position. Our bodies also begin to maintain this hunched over position when we’re standing or walking. As a result this poor posture may begin to aggravate your back and cause undue pain. DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM will help to promote better posture and a straighter back thereby relieving your back pain, but it will also remind you to become more aware of your posture even when you’re not wearing it.


-Inflamed and Stiff Joints

Inflamed joints can often result in pain, swelling and an inability to move around freely. This is most common in joints such as the knee, hip, fingers, shoulders and neck. For those whom experience joint pain in the neck and shoulder regions, DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM can help support the weight of the head and relieve the pressure off the neck and shoulders. Relieving the pressure can help relieve the stress experienced by those joints, and help provide comfort and improve mobility.

Additional Information on Joint Stiffness & Pain
Joints can become stiff from injuries and arthritis. More commonly, stiff and painful joints are the result of tight muscles and the lack of regular movement. Tight muscles prevent a joint from moving in its full range of motion. The loss of motion prevents the joint from being properly lubricated and nourished. A joint that does not move properly will degenerate more rapidly. Even a young person can develop degenerative joint disease or osteoarthritis from long periods of inactivity. Tight muscles can restrict full range of motion and cause joint pain and degeneration. To get relief from joint pain and stiffness, you need to relax the muscles and restore normal joint motion


-Herniated/Bulging Discs

Herniated discs are more common for people who are in their 30’s and 40’s. A herniated disc is also referred to as a bulging disc, ruptured disc, or slipped disc. Spinal discs are the soft, cushion like "pads" found between the vertebrae along the spine that allow you to move your back. As we age, the discs in our spine become weaker and can be easily flattened/bulged with pressure. The bulging disc can push against the nerve beside it causing pain, numbness, weakness and other dysfunction to the area supplied by the nerve. DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM will help to relieve the downward pressure on the disc. Relieve pressure can help decompress the disc which may reduce the bulging and ease the associated symptoms.


- Muscle Pain and Tension

Many people suffer from either localized or widespread muscle pain and tension throughout the body. Neck, shoulder and chest pain are some of the most common areas of pain. Historically, there are many causes of muscle pain and tension and symptoms can be the result of:

-Prolonged biomechanical dysfunction, leading to chronic muscle strain and subsequent sustained muscle spasms.

-Chronic muscle contraction due to injuries of repetitive strain, causing the release of noxious chemicals that cause local inflammation and pain.

-Tight muscles that irritate peripheral nerves causing pain, numbness, tingling sensations, and weakness locally and to distal muscles supplied by that nerve.

-Tense muscles that impede blood circulation causing local swelling and decreased oxygen to local tissues and tissues supplied elsewhere by that blood system.

-Decreased blood and oxygen flow decreasing the body’s ability to repair tissue that has been damaged by everyday use, thus leading to soft tissue injuries.

In order to help reduce pain and to promote long-term progress, a combination of massage therapy, gentle movement exercises and deep relaxation techniques are helpful. Relaxing muscles, promoting blood and nerve circulation and restoring deep sleep patterns are helpful in achieving immediate and long-term recovery.

DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM helps provide relief for those suffering muscle pain and tension related to the neck, shoulders and arms. By stretching the neck and shoulders, DR-HO’S® Neck ComforterTM helps to reduce restriction of circulation in the head, neck and shoulders as well as the arms. Improved circulation can lead to reduced feelings of pain as well as tension.




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